Fat Tail Investment Research

Two Stocks to Play Australia’s



Fat Tail Daily Report

This agenda is so much bigger than electric vehicles.

Mining insider James Cooper believes the series of events leading to Full Electrification presents a historic opportunity for Australian investors. Get the full story by following the simple instructions below.

Watch James Cooper’s
presentation right now.

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Fat Tail DailyYou’ll get immediate access to James’s video briefing when you subscribe to our FREE daily investment email newsletter, Fat Tail Daily.

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Take a FREE subscription to Fat Tail Daily to watch James’s short video presentation. In this video:

  • You’ll discover the simple ‘profit pattern’ that’s played out over and over in the resources sector. It’s the same pattern that’s recently played out in coal, LNG, nickel, and lithium — and when it does, related ASX-listed mining stocks often take off. In a particular instance, one lithium play rose 90-fold as a result of this pattern.
  • You’ll learn what Goldman Sachs has called the ‘new oil’ of the electrified economy. It’s not lithium or nickel, yet the Full Electrification revolution is not possible without it.
  • You’ll discover how to join forces with the ‘Godfather’ of Aussie mining. He took his last venture from nothing but a team and a plan… to a market cap of $15 billion. And its stock price rose 140,445% from trough to peak. Well, he’s at it again, and this time you can join him. You’ll discover more details about this ASX-listed stock play inside James’s video presentation — simply follow the instructions below to gain immediate access.
Vern Gowdie

James Cooper

Dear Reader,

‘Full Electrification’.

That’s the latest movement that’s going to save the planet.

Here in Australia, Albo says we’re ‘eager and ready to do our part’.

But as a geologist, I know we can’t expand the world’s energy grids without one specific metal.

Could we be about to see
Lithium 2.0?

Back in 2022, lithium shortages hit producers like Tesla and Volkswagen hard.

Desperate buyers sent prices skyrocketing.

Lithium reached record highs, almost overnight.

And when the price of lithium went vertical, several ASX-listed mining stocks went with it.


Source: Twitter

Stocks like Liontown Resources [ASX:LTR] rose in value 40-fold

Arizona Lithium [ASX:AZL] shot up 50-fold

Lake Resources [ASX:LKE] rocketed up an astonishing 80-fold in value…

Of course, not all lithium plays reacted this way.

But in rare cases like Core Lithium [ASX:CXO], you could’ve watched as its share price went into the stratosphere, soaring 9,284%.


Source: MarketIndex.com.au

Today, I believe the series of events leading to Full
Electrification could put you at the beginning of
one of these price spikes

This time, it’s not lithium in the spotlight.

Instead, it’s a resource S&P Global calls ‘the metal of electrification’.

For instance, here in Australia, we’re going to need thousands of tonnes of this metal to manufacture 10,000 kilometres of new transmission cables.

That’s more than the entire width of Australia, coast to coast, twice over.

Meanwhile, governments in Asia, North America, and Europe are mandating even larger projects.

For example, Sweden just decided to replace 16,000 kilometres of cabling to enhance their national electrical grid.

In India, we’re talking 27,000 kilometres of new cables.

And in the US, this number is more than 75,000 kilometres.

In total, 140 countries have publicly committed to taking steps down this path towards Full Electrification.

This unprecedented expansion of the world’s energy grids is not possible without one critical metal.

Right now, all my research and analysis is leading me
to ‘buy’ signals on two particular ASX-listed miners.

Worldwide resource shortages already have major institutions like Goldman Sachs and Bank of America sounding the alarm.

But the good news is, Australia holds the world’s second-largest reserves of this critical metal.

That puts Aussie mining companies in an advantageous position.

And investors who buy shares before the coming price spike could stand to be handsomely rewarded.

Today, we’re ahead of the curve — but, if past patterns play out, you only have a short window of opportunity to act.

Follow the simple instructions below to watch my exclusive presentation.

Inside, I’ll show you all the details on how you can get your hands on two ticker symbols for playing the Full Electrification revolution.

Of course, there are no guarantees when it comes to investing — and mining stocks in particular are high-risk, high-speculation plays.

That’s why you need an insider in your corner…

Watch James Cooper’s
presentation right now.

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Fat Tail DailyYou’ll get immediate access to James’s video briefing when you subscribe to our FREE daily investment email newsletter, Fat Tail Daily.

Simply enter your email address in the box below and click ‘SUBSCRIBE and WATCH NOW’.

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Who is James Cooper?

Here at Fat Tail Daily, we believe James Cooper is the most qualified person to guide you through the Full Electrification revolution.

James is an experienced geologist and mining insider who’s worked for tiny exploration outfits to major players like Dacian Gold [ASX:DCN] and Northern Star Resources [ASX:NST].

In his 15-year career, he’s seen everything — from massive ore discoveries to multibillion-dollar takeovers, plus all the mining industry drama in between.

James was at the heart of the action when Barrick Gold [NYSE:GOLD] bought out Equinox Gold Corp [NYSE:EQX] for US$7.5 billion.

In other words, James isn’t just an ‘armchair pundit’.

He’s the rare resource insider who knows how to dig into actual dirt and balance sheets.

Which is why you should consider the two stock picks in his presentation today.

To watch his video briefing immediately, enter your email address below and click ‘SUBSCRIBE and WATCH NOW’.

Watch James Cooper’s
presentation right now.

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Fat Tail Daily is a daily investment email like no other.

Every day, our experts Greg Canavan, Ryan Dinse, Jim Rickards, Callum Newman, Brian Chu, Nickolai Hubble, and James Cooper show you how to protect your wealth and even prosper in these difficult times.

Their job is to put the often confusing world of finance into context… to help you connect the dots between your bank account, the market, and the decisions made in Canberra and elsewhere around the world… so you can make sense of it all and hopefully make better investment decisions.

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To subscribe to Fat Tail Daily and watch James Cooper’s urgent video briefing, simply enter your email address in the box below and click ‘SUBSCRIBE and WATCH NOW’:

Watch James Cooper’s
presentation right now.

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Fat Tail Investment Research

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— Fat Tail Investment Research. ACN: 117 765 009 / ABN: 33 117 765 009 / AFSL: 323 988

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