How to Play the ‘Perfect Storm’
Brewing in Aussie Mining

‘A ‘Big Dig’ matching the 2000s iron ore boom’s
about to kick off in Australia. I’m utterly
convinced the time to make your plays is NOW…’

-- Seasoned exploration geologist James Cooper

Three ASX Stocks
for the Coming Critical
Metal ‘Super Squeeze’

Fat Tail Daily Report

‘A ‘Big Dig’ matching the 2000s iron ore boom’s about to kick off in Australia.
I’m utterly convinced the time to make your plays is NOW…’

-- Seasoned exploration geologist
James Cooper

A veteran ore explorer — who worked on the inside of the
LAST Aussie boom — shares his three-stock strategy...

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Take a FREE subscription to Fat Tail Daily to download his report and you’ll discover:

  • Three ASX stocks we think are poised to NAIL the cresting boom in critical metals. We’ve just had years of underinvestment in new mines and oilfields due to low prices in the 2010s. This has now created scarcity in supply as demand recovers. Similar to the supply-demand imbalance that gave birth to Fortescue Metals Group (which ended up gifting some early investors 50,000%). These stocks include…

  • A single ‘shovel-seller’ play to capture where gold goes next in 2025.  You’ll likely have noticed that gold is roaring again. What you want to do at this stage of the gold cycle is own ‘shovel sellers’. Who do you think makes the most money during a gold rush? The sunburnt chap panning for gold.

  • One of the best critical metal super-squeeze stocks to own on the ASX right now. It has a diversified spread of critical mineral projects that are producing today. It’s adding to that list and building out the downstream processing that will make it a key player in Australia’s future of battery minerals.

  • How to effectively invest in dozens of energy stocks with two simple moves. It’s a ‘basket investment’ that exposes you to two trends that we believe will be at the forefront of the upcoming mining boom.

  • Why you’ll never find better Aussie mining stock value than RIGHT NOW. As FX Empire just put it, it’s due to the ‘the perfect storm of geopolitics, climate change and energy transition.’ We’ve just had years of underinvestment in new mines and oilfields due to low prices in the 2010s. This has now created scarcity in supply as demand recovers. These are three potential players that could benefit most…

Dear Reader,

Here at Fat Tail Investment Research, we’re getting a distinct sense of history repeating…

Back in the mists of time — when our independent stock-picking business was just a single newsletter sent out by post — Australia’s LAST mining boom was also in its infancy.

Addressing our very first readers, we called it…

…‘The Big Dig’.

And predicted that ‘real asset’ stocks…the best of which were listed right here on the ASX…would start to peel away from all other investments you could make.

At least for the foreseeable future.  

We covered this first boom as it crested…finally went mainstream…and then supersonic. And in those pioneer days we didn’t mince our words:

A giant exploration and production rush is about to hit Australia, the likes of which have not been seen in 25 years.

Our prediction seems obvious in retrospect. Trust me, most scoffed at the time we made it.

The Australian mining boom that peaked in 2011 came on SO fast…and SO hard…it blindsided even the grizzled veterans.

China’s huge appetite for minerals was a tide that lifted all boats.

High grade, low grade, long mine life, or short mine life…it didn’t really matter. Any company with a decent possibility of going into some form of production benefitted.

As did those who owned the stocks before everyone else.

Today, a similar dynamic is setting up.

But in a different set of minerals…

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Get ready for the 2025 ‘super-squeeze’

The story of Fortescue Metals from the last mining boom is pretty legendary.

Their rise from ‘penny dreadful’ to one of the biggest miners on the planet…in less than five years…will likely never be repeated.

A tale of towering ambition...brilliant forecasting...consummate salesmanship…burnt bridges, missteps, and misfires…

…then, ultimately, UTTERLY IMMENSE share price gains.

Upwards of 50,000% if you backed them in the very early stages.

That could’ve turned a modest $10,000 investment into a $5 million windfall…a sum that would’ve set you and your family up for life.

Now, while Fortescue’s returns are an outlier and nearly impossible to replicate…

There IS a way to shoot for impressive results in 2025 and beyond.

See, the secret to Andrew Forrest’s success in the early 2000s was he saw a ‘super-squeeze’ in iron ore and base metal prices.

A ‘super-squeeze’ is when the prices of certain resources go up…not just because of demand…but also because of supply constraints.

This was the back-drop of Forrest’s big bet.

He figured everyone was underestimating how China's hunger for iron ore would soar as its steel production ramped up.

But he saw that the supply just wasn’t there.

He wagered $15 billion of mostly borrowed money to start buying up remote iron ore assets in the Pilbara desert.

Right under the noses of the giants…

At the time, these deposits were stranded.

Sure, iron ore mining in Australia is relatively cheap and relatively easy to extract. Simply load rock on a boat and ship it to China’s massive steel refineries.  

But few consider the vast infrastructure required to get to that point.

Iron ore is a bulky commodity. 

Mine feasibility studies include costs well beyond the mining operation: railways, ports, loading facilities. It’s this barrier to entry that enabled the majors to retain their grip over iron ore supply in Australia. 

Yet these challenges didn’t deter Forrest. 

When iron ore prices were still sitting below $20 per tonne…Twiggy went to work.  

He ‘read the squeeze’…and was one of the leaders of the ‘Big Australian Dig’ of the noughties.

Going into 2025, another
‘super-squeeze’ is forming…

Only this time, it’s not iron ore.

It’s in what our exploration geologist expert calls ‘critically endangered minerals’.

Aluminium, Copper, Cobalt, Nickel, Lithium, Palladium Platinum, Silver and Rare Earths and more.

FX Empire puts it down to ‘the perfect storm of geopolitics, climate change and energy transition’.

This is happening after a period of massive underinvestment in the resources sector.

Where miners prioritised paying off debts over financing new projects.

At these stages in the resource cycle, there are a handful of companies that come out to front-run it.

And owning shares in these companies is the best way to exploit the upcoming supply crunch to your advantage.

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Australian Mining Boom 2.0

In 2002/2003, geopolitical risks were also causing volatility in the markets.

The dotcom bubble just burst, and tech stocks were down. The tech-heavy Nasdaq plummeted 78% from its 2000 peak.

Investors got burned from all the rampant speculation during the previous years...

So they moved from risky tech companies and back to safer stocks with exposure to ‘real’ assets — like mining.

As a result, Aussie mining stocks boomed during that time.

From 2002–07, Aussie mining giant BHP Group [ASX:BHP] saw a whopping 500% gain.

Lynas Rare Earths [ASX:LYC] saw an even more remarkable performance in the same period — a staggering 1,200% gain.

But, as I say, no other single stock saw a level of success quite like Fortescue Metals Group [ASX:FMG].

From just 2 cents a share, Fortescue’s stock price went ballistic and trades at around $26 at the time of writing.

While we’re not suggesting that these unbelievable results will happen again, we believe there’s a huge opportunity right now for early investors. And that:

History is about to repeat

We’re convinced that a similar exodus into ‘real equities’ is kicking off — just like it did in 2002.

And that could kickstart the next big Aussie mining boom.

To the casual observer, there’s a lot of mixed messages when it comes to Aussie resources right now.

Gold is at record highs.

But gold stocks are yet to catch up.

Copper’s also rallying.

And yet the bellwethers…BHP, Rio Tinto, and yes…Fortescue…all those share prices are DOWN since January 2024.

How exactly does that translate into a new mining boom?

Well, those are the old-school iron ore guys…

The ones who made their nut from the LAST cycle…

We’re about to focus on the Graduating Class of 2024.

Mining insider and exploration geologist James Cooper thinks that a new breed of Aussie resource stocks will lead the charge this time around.

He reveals three of these stocks in his report, ‘Three ASX Commodity Stocks for the New Age of Scarcity’.

These companies are playing in high-demand, critical ‘energy’ niches that will be at the forefront of the coming super-squeeze.

That gives them the potential to outperform the wider market significantly in the latter half of this decade.

To download this report, subscribe to Fat Tail Daily by entering your email address in the box below and clicking ‘Subscribe Now’. You’ll get a link delivered to your inbox within the next five minutes.

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Who is James Cooper?

In our view, he’s the most qualified person to guide you in the upcoming super-squeeze-driven mining boom.

James is an experienced geologist and mining insider who’s worked for the who’s who of Australian mining…from small outfits to major players like Dacian Gold and Northern Star Resources.

He’s seen it all — from massive ore discoveries to multibillion-dollar takeovers…and crushing failures in between.

James was even at the heart of it when Barrick Gold bought out Equinox for $7.5 billion.

In other words, James isn’t just any ‘hobby pundit’.

He’s the rare insider who knows how to dig into actual dirt and balance sheets.

Which is why you should seriously consider the three stock picks he’s outlined in his report, ‘Three ASX Commodity Stocks for the New Age of Scarcity’.

To get started, enter your email address below and click ‘Subscribe Now’.

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‘The years ahead will be like
the mining boom on steroids’

That’s a prediction from Peter Milne in The Sydney Morning Herald.

And it perfectly describes the huge opportunity in front of you right now.
Right now is a mirror image to 2003 when it comes to the Aussie resources sector.

And if you cotton on to this before most mainstream investors…

…there are greater opportunities on offer than just sinking your cash along with the crowd into already-hyped-up AI stocks.

Of course, it’s still high-risk investing. Mining stocks, it goes without saying, are highly volatile territory.

But if you’re up for the risk, the best way to get started is with the three stocks James Cooper outlines in his report, ‘Three ASX Commodity Stocks for the New Age of Scarcity’.

You can get it by taking out a FREE subscription to Fat Tail Daily by entering your email address in the box below and clicking ‘Subscribe Now’.

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