I’ve spent a long time looking for the ‘perfect’ income stock. I think I found it.
Fat Tail Investment Research

These Stocks Could

I reveal six cheap stocks that historically pay a regular income
AND could also deliver capital gains.

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Greg Canavan Greg Canavan

Dear Reader,

Imagine a stock that:

  • You could buy cheaply
  • Has the potential to achieve capital gains
  • And historically pays you income

David Brett of Schroders calls this the investing ‘sweet spot’


Source: Schroders

But for a long time, finding it seemed impossible.

Conventional investing wisdom says you can’t have all three.

You normally have to sacrifice something’ says David Brett of Schroders.

But what if you didn’t have to?

What if I were to show you a small set of stocks that check all three boxes?

Greg Canavan

My name is Greg Canavan. I’m Chief Analyst at Fat Tail Investment Research.

Just recently, I’ve discovered how to find what I believe are the perfect income stocks.

I ran the rule over every dividend payer on the ASX. And only six made the cut.

I call these six stocks ‘Royal Dividend’ plays.

These are undervalued stocks that have the potential for high growth (in fact, one saw 46% gains last year while the ASX 200 was flat)…

But at the same time, they also historically deliver consistent income payouts with dividend yields of between 6–10%.

That’s a rare and potentially winning combination that could be perfect for this rocky market.

Just imagine…

You buy a stock that goes on to provide capital gains…and you also get rewarded with consistent income WHILE you wait for it to happen.

ONE stock...that pays you TWICE.

That’s the potential of these ‘Royal Dividend’ plays.

Which is why I’m calling them...

The best stock market strategy FULL STOP right now

Whether you believe me…or think my claims are far-fetched…

I invite you to get my new briefing and decide for yourself.

In it, I’ll explain ‘royal dividend’ stocks in more detail…show you why now is the best time to own them…and a complete write-up (including company details and risk warnings) of the six stocks included in my ‘royal dividend’ portfolio.

Here’s a sneak peek:

  • ROYAL DIVIDEND #1: A deeply oversold fund management firm with a 7.5% yield.
  • ROYAL DIVIDEND #2: One of the top dividend-paying stocks on the ASX.
  • ROYAL DIVIDEND #3 & #4: Two real estate picks trading at a bargain.
  • ROYAL DIVIDEND #5: My former pick that just became a ‘royal dividend’ play.
  • ROYAL DIVIDEND #6: Why this ‘hated stock’ can be a compelling income play for you.

The best part is that few mainstream analysts cover dividend stocks in this manner.

That’s because most only consider dividend stocks with the highest yields.

While this might seem like a smart move, I believe it’s actually a potential investor trap that could put your capital at risk.

I explain why in my ‘Royal Dividends Portfolio’ investment briefing.

To get it, simply take a FREE subscription to Fat Tail Daily by entering your email address in the box below and clicking ‘Subscribe Now’. You’ll get the link delivered to your inbox within the next five minutes.

Get Greg Canavan’s ‘Royal Dividend Portfolio’ briefing straight to your email inbox. You can get it when you subscribe to the FREE daily investment email, Fat Tail Daily. Simply enter your email address in the box below and click ‘Subscribe Now’.

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Greg Canavan

Why should you
care what I say?

I’ve been in this industry for 25 years.

Throughout that time, I’ve helped everyday investors make money in the stock market through my Fat Tail Investment Advisory service.

In fact, over the last three years alone, I’ve closed 36 trades and 26 of them were profitable.

If you followed along during that time, you would’ve had the opportunity to grow your money by 27.39% (counting both winners and losers). That’s far better than the ASX 200’s 3.5% annual return.

And many of my readers seem to have done very well too, like these happy subscribers:

To me, Greg is spot on most of the time, I love the charts he uses for getting the point across, and find he is quite thorough in his research, suggesting buying into the banks was a great example, at the moment some up by 75%. Well done

Shane Chasemore, VIC

I particularly like Greg's understanding of the macro picture and he explains it in a clear and concise manner, perhaps the best at Fat Tail Investment Research. Full marks in this area; it's an excellent achievement in stiff competition.

Rod B

Great respect for this service and Greg’s writings. Am retired with limited funds so keen on the dividend stock advice provided. The balanced views provided are a big help for self-funded account management.


Greg explains things very concisely and well and as I invest in the mining space (gold, silver, lithium) I find his work very important in helping me keep a balanced longer-term perspective. I would not do without his reports.


Over the past few years, I have profited from his knowledge and understanding, particularly for instance when markets have become volatile. The benefit of having a logical and analytical voice on your side to make sense of markets and help identify value opportunities should not be underestimated

Carl M

If you want to follow these readers into my next recommendations, then I invite you to read my ‘Royal Dividends Portfolio’ investment briefing.

I believe this is the perfect time to go back to income stocks.

We’re now at a cycle point where smart investors focus on getting paid by their investments…rather than just pure growth.

In my opinion, ‘Royal Dividend’ plays give you the best opportunity to do that.

Get Greg Canavan’s ‘Royal Dividend Portfolio’ briefing straight to your email inbox. You can get it when you subscribe to the FREE daily investment email, Fat Tail Daily. Simply enter your email address in the box below and click ‘Subscribe Now’.

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You can cancel your subscription at any time.

Greg Canavan

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